Here We Go!

IMG_7494Garlic…perhaps not the most typical analogy to begin a school year but as I began to clean the bulbs today, I could not help but think of these bulbs as our Nature School children.  We care for them; we try to understand what makes them happy and grow well; we hope they develop strong roots here on this land; we enjoy each variety for its own worth and unique qualities; we tend to them all year, even when they are seemingly dormant during the winter; we are excited to watch them grow and develop; we celebrate their beauty when they are harvested; we appreciate their role in our lives, big and small. We love garlic and we LOVE children!

So, it is with great excitement and joy that we begin our second year at Nature School. Last year was quite a journey for all of us. For those that joined us last year, we are eternally grateful for your support as we muddled our way through everything being new. Everything was a “first”! Now, everything will be the “first second”, if that makes sense. We still feel that this year will be another huge learning opportunity for our team as we figure out what our second year looks like. We have already engaged in many discussions about our upcoming year and look forward to many, many more as we meet our students and  families.

We are ready to delight, excite, create, instigate, inspire, evolve, change, grow, provoke and love. Thanks for joining us along the way!

‘Till next time,


About Terra Nova Nature SchoolThompson Community Association and the City of Richmond have partnered together to deliver an innovative nature based preschool program. Inspired by Forest Kindergartens and the schools of Reggio Emilia, Italy, the focus is on outdoor education, using the principles of emergent and place-based curricula.