
Spring blossoms awaken our senses in every way. It is a time of beauty, energy and instils a feeling of excitement. And here at TNNS not only are the trees, flowers, birds etc coming to life but so are the children. I know it sounds corny but honestly, coming after spring break, you see the children literally blossoming. Children are suddenly physically bigger, are able to spend more time focusing on a project, are more independent; and perhaps most beautifully, the friendships are deepening. Children’s play has transitioned to cooperative play filled with joy, negotiation, conflict, resolution and care. The next few months is very busy, especially with our big 10 year anniversary party fast approaching but we must remember to remain in the present and cherish these important moments of connection and simplicity.

with affection,


About Terra Nova Nature SchoolThompson Community Association and the City of Richmond have partnered together to deliver an innovative nature based preschool program. Inspired by Forest Kindergartens and the schools of Reggio Emilia, Italy, the focus is on outdoor education, using the principles of emergent and place-based curricula.