Math is Everywhere

On Friday, the TNNS preschool and Trailblazer teams joined with the Rompers team from Thompson Community Association to partake in a workshop on early years math and curriculum development. We were so fortunate to have Janice Novakowski, a Richmond School District’s teacher consultant, facilitate this workshop for us. Janice is passionate, vastly knowledgeable and wildly intelligent!…Continue reading

Shades of Grey

Perhaps this title captured your attention? Well, thinking about January and the shades of grey, has captured mine! The skies are often grey here in BC in January- some see grey has sort of a ‘blah’ colour and admittedly it can be dreary over time but I also have been finding much beauty in grey….Continue reading

Walk for Wenjack

Last week marked our first annual Walk for Wenjack. Our team has been working diligently for the past several years on gaining a deeper understanding of the Indigenous peoples of Canada; their history and stories which are so rich and complex. Stories of beauty, courage and love and many stories that are very traumatic and…Continue reading

Honouring Early Childhood Educators

Did you know May is Child Care month? Although Canada lags well behind other developed nations in it’s support of young families, the federal government’s most recent budget committed to the creation of a universal child care system, something advocates have been requesting for 51 years!  British Columbia’s provincial government is also committed to supporting…Continue reading

Earth Day

Officially Earth Day is April 22, but truthfully, everyday at TNNS feels like Earth Day!  But a designated day helps call our attention to something with special gestures of gifts, acknowledgement, and plans.  This year we wove Earth Day into our opening and closing circles, and also engaged the children in dialogue and special projects…Continue reading

Celebrating Joy!

There is nothing like being with children (well, maybe also pets) to make you appreciate the little things.  This week, as the weather plummeted and adults fretted about possible snow and all things pandemic, the children delighted in cracking ice, squishing mud, painting, running, and just being together. The calendar has heaped Lunar New Year,…Continue reading


The element of surprise is something that is often fleeting, pouncing upon us suddenly and then vanishing quick as a wink. But that first moment of wonder is so energizing and intriguing we absolutely crave it. After observing our children in the Eagle class explore cardboard boxes of all shapes and sizes,  I am slowly…Continue reading

Less is More

Nothing like a pandemic to slow one down! Like all of you, our lives here at TNNS have changed. We miss doing a lot of things we normally do, like chatting with parents in closer proximity with no masks and more frequency. We long to cook together, using veggies from the garden and introducing children…Continue reading

Owl Time

These dear Owls have been so brave- some only coming twice per week and yet leaping into this outdoor world with vigor, interest and fortitude! Slowly we are introducing tools such as magnifying glasses, binoculars, and sports equipment. A few weeks ago we had an ‘aha’ moment as a team. A rake was used improperly…Continue reading