It’s All in a Day

I was chatting with Nicole, one of our school age Trailblazer educators last week and we had a good laugh about what a typical day looks like as a teacher of young children. We noted that the stories we bring home to our dinner tables are often not only hilarious (and sometimes not fit for a dining table!) but also filled with so many diverse moments in one given day.

Our days are structured and linear in terms of schedule but within those confines, wow, watch out…. we can go from deep project work with big philosophical questions to a bathroom accident in a heartbeat. We can go from dry clothes to soaking wet right through to undies in a flash. We can go from feelings of joy and inclusion to anger and exclusion as you turn your back for a moment. Out of the corners of our eyes we might catch a lost mitten on a path, a rubber boot caked in coyote scat, a long stick dangerously close to another person, a slug leaving its trail on an arm, a boot stuck so deeply in the mud that the boot comes off as the foot is removed, a freezing cold wet child singing at the top of their lungs while changing clothes, and the list goes on. Our days are not really days- truly they are moments- some very easy and smooth and others more challenging. These moments are collected in our hearts and minds and some even into our souls and it is for these moments that we do the work we do. We fall into bed at night, typically exhausted and yet filled up with gratitude for this work we do. It is all in a day.

With warmth,


About Terra Nova Nature SchoolThompson Community Association and the City of Richmond have partnered together to deliver an innovative nature based preschool program. Inspired by Forest Kindergartens and the schools of Reggio Emilia, Italy, the focus is on outdoor education, using the principles of emergent and place-based curricula.