An Earth Day Celebration

In recognition of Earth Day, the Thompson Community Centre team, in partnership with the City of Richmond, organized a tree planting day. The trees were planted along the newly constructed Railway Avenue Corridor. The Railway Greenway path has gained lots of popularity as children and parents can walk and bike along an otherwise busy street. I myself have been using it to cycle along Railway and I have seen many smiling faces and overheard lots of great conversations as I pass the cyclists and pedestrians. So, it was with great pleasure, that we all went out to plant more trees to enhance the beauty of this pathway. Kate and I were so pleased to see many of our new families turn out for the event!

We planted a variety of trees including Firs, Red Alders and Spruce; each tree will have its own personality and life story. The City folks briefly educated the group about the tree varietals and I pointed out to the children that each time they pass by this area, they can feel proud of their contributions. I wonder what they will think of as they pass by here tomorrow, next week or months from now. Will they remember digging the hole for the tree or gently covering it with soil? Will they pay attention to its growth pattern? Will they feel a sense of pride?

Here are a few snapshots of the planting session:




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I hope they grow to love these trees, this Greenway and their home city. 




About Terra Nova Nature SchoolThompson Community Association and the City of Richmond have partnered together to deliver an innovative nature based preschool program. Inspired by Forest Kindergartens and the schools of Reggio Emilia, Italy, the focus is on outdoor education, using the principles of emergent and place-based curricula.

3 thoughts on “An Earth Day Celebration

  1. Thanks for organizing this event, Miss Emily & Miss Kate. It was not only a lot of fun for my preschooler, it was also very exciting and educational for my 6 year old son. On Saturday, my son and I rode our bikes on Railway greenway just to check out “our trees”. He measured how tall each tree is told me he want to come back to check on them from time to time. It was great experience!

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