The sun was absolutely wonderful this week, filling everyone with an energy and excitement that only comes from its rays! We spent almost all our time outside this week, shedding layers of our clothing and frolicking on the land. Enjoy the snapshots of our week together.
Small bodies do not equate to weakness! Ariel is one strong little girl as she pulls this very heavy wagon for most of the walk.
Chloe makes exploding treasure boxes with an Eagle group. This experiment relates to the treasure hunt from a few weeks ago.
Chloe brings the “exploding treasure” activity to mudflats. Ezra is using the pipette filled with vinegar to dissolve the baking soda & jello cube. What is he thinking as he watches it melt away?
Nika enjoys a quiet moment spinning by herself at the playground. Why do we like to feel dizzy as young children but often lose that interest as adults?
Owls bask in the gleaming sunshine for snack time.
London Bridge is a simple game but still requires learning how to wait in line, cycle around to the very back after going under the bridge, singing and clapping all at once. The Owls are getting it!!
Maliya takes her time walking, investigating grasses, rocks and other things that spark her interest.
Lorraine and Annabelle plunk themselves down in the tree fort. Annabelle is looking at the other children who are trying to get in. She does not want to move as she is very settled. It is hard to take turns but Annabelle comes out soon after to allow for others to have a turn.
Alison, never short of ideas, shares many interesting stories with Chloe. Chloe is impressed with her knowledge and interest in communicating.
Will provides his friends”with a hand” if they need it. The Owls attempt to cross the bridge without falling over. Here we see them developing their proprioceptive skills and balance.
The Owls learn a new game called Drum Stalk. This game develops trust and sensory awareness. Esuh and Pearson are eager to try.
Both the Eagle and the Owls learn about sit spots, something that we will use frequently here at Nature School. Children are given a blue mat and then sit away from each other. This activity encourages listening, seeing, feeling on one’s own time and space. Afterwards, there is always a debriefing session and a sharing of experience.
Nicole revels in the hoola hoop spinning around her waist which makes her “feel like a princess”. In the background, you can see two volunteers from McMath Secondary. Jadyn and Hannah have been volunteering whenever they can at Nature School. I taught Hannah when she was a preschooler and both were buddies in my other classes so it is amazing to have them join us in this capacity. Perhaps our own Nature School children will come back in 10 years to volunteer! Building community!
Damon connects learning from our story about Stone Soup and makes a restaurant that serves Stone Soup.
Hannah, dressed in her ‘Princess Costume’ from the dress up area, practices her fine motor skills by transferring scarlet runner beans from one bowl to another with small tongs. This activity develops muscle strength in the fingers and concentration.
‘Till the next post,