Snapshots from our work together this week…
The Eagles meet a City of Richmond worker who takes time to explain why she is draining the water pipes. Our children are captivated by her dramatic story. We love connecting with people in our community- what an unexpected surprise!
Nicole helps Ian to re- adjust his glove. Caring and kindness are qualities we live and breathe at Nature School.
Mason and Andy use the field guide to identify a plant. Listening to their theories is amazing- they are truly learning to discriminate based on certain attributes.
Taking a break from active play, Ayleen pulls out 2 very different books to look at. I wonder what she is thinking as she looks at the book on Chinese New Year.
Nicholas uses his problem solving skills to match the pieces to the drawing. What systems is he using to figure this out? I need more time to observe his play.
Free art promotes creativity and playful interactions with the materials. Theia and Lorraine work side by side, sharing materials but no words.
A natural mud kitchen on a super rainy day! Avery spends most of her time filling up bowls and pans with mud and watching how the mud moves. Hayden, in the background, is looking for a partner to play ball. Zoya is working with the mud too. Sometime people just want to do their own thing!
Misuzu helps Ludwig and Zoë construct something taller than they can reach. Her interest and support sends them the message that their work is important and valued.
These Owls hypothesize about why there are bird seeds on the bench. Answers include “an eagle dropped them , a racoon was here and a person left them.”
Heidi introduces a new game to the Owls; they listen attentively to learn the rules. We play this twice this week, the second time far more successfully than the first. It takes time to process and understand new information.
Ariel reaches, reaches and reaches to touch the bud on the end of the branch. She is determined! What makes us give up on some things and not on others?
Julie tells a captivating story using wooden figures; visual supports add a new dimension to stories, often enhancing the experience for children.
The Eagles get stuck in quite the downpour of rain. Now back in the Cottage, they are cozy and cuddling while we work on a story together.
‘Till the next post,