

Preschool Registration Information

We are hosting a Parent Information Session on Tuesday, March 11 from 5:30- 7:00 pm at the Edwardian Cottage in Terra Nova Rural Park. Registration required, register at Event ID #398753. Feel free to bring a friend- we have lots of space for next year!

Registration for the school year will be online- Tuesday, April 1 from 7:00am-12:00pm @  

Tips for a Smooth registration process:

Create a My Richmond Family account BEFORE registration

Add your child’s information to your family account, including their date of birth.

Add a credit card to your file to pay for the non-refundable $50.00 registration fee.

Use the Event ID numbers listed below to register for the class you want.

If your desired class is full, please add your child’s name to the waitlist.

Are you curious what we do each day here at Nature School? Check out this short video to catch a glimpse of our work!

A Day in the Life of Nature School



TNNS has been improved for the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative. This will reduce monthly preschool fees, depending on the days of service that are offered each month. A monthly fee schedule with applied CCFRI rates will be provided upon registration. Fees listed below are before CCRFI.

Eagles (3-5 year olds) 9:00am-1:00pm

Monday-Friday, Event ID#396579,  $793.85 per month- 8 spaces available 

Limited 3 & 4 day options:

M-Th, Event ID#396588, $633.30 per month- 1 space available 

T-F, Event ID#396601, $646.70 per month-FULL, waitlist only

M/W/F, Event ID#396610, $472.75 per month-FULL, waitlist only

Tu/Th/F, Event ID#396617, $481.65 per month-FULL, waitlist only

* Eagle classes are parent participation. Families are required to help in the program for approximately once per month, for two hours. If this is not possible, home projects may be arranged.

Owls (3-5 year olds) 1:30-3:30 pm

Monday / Wednesday, Event ID#396624, $156.10per month, 4 spaces available

Tuesday / Thursday, Event ID#396638, $160.55 per month, 4 spaces available

* Owl classes may be combined
* Owl classes are parent participation. Families are required to help in the program approximately once per month, for two hours. If this is not possible, home projects may be arranged.

All families are welcome to apply for the Affordable Child Care Benefit.

Next: Our Beyond 4 Walls Program