Our Sixth & Seventh Senses

We have mentioned this book before in our blogs as we are doing a team book study with this incredible resource on Early Childhood Education. For our Pro D Day last Friday, we focused on the chapter titled: Expand Opportunities for Children to Use their Active Bodies. We all know we are pretty good at that here at Nature School already and yet, reading this chapter, together, sharing ideas and inspirations, sparked us all in new directions. We spent time unpacking the terms Proprioceptive and Vestibular- they are part of our sensory motor system, joining the more commonly known sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell.

The book defines the proprioceptive system as that which “refers to the sensory input and feedback that tells children how their bodies are moving and where they are in space. There are tiny sensors in each of the muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons and connective tissues.” (p.104)

The vestibular sense is a complex system located in the inner ear. It helps children negotiate gravity when running or swinging as well as during spinning movements.” (p.104)

We first discussed ideas from the book- what mades sense to us, what pushed out thinking or areas of comfort, how can we align our values with this work. Then we headed into action- swinging, balancing, and going barefoot on the cold ground.

Both our preschool team and our Beyond 4 Walls teams felt the day was energizing and poked at us to try some new things or re-look at “old’ activities in a new light. We so appreciate each one of them bringing their energy to TNNS each and every week- Berta, Chloe, Fati, Katharina, Nicole, Penny, Rachel, Rianna, Sarah, Shantelle, Stefan and Tricia.

As you look at these photos (and the videos sent out to our current families) please look for ways that children’s learning in these particular areas are being supported by the offerings from the educators. And, of course, how does the natural world, so organically and beautifully allow for this learning moment to moment.

Moments with children

In gratitude,


About Terra Nova Nature SchoolThompson Community Association and the City of Richmond have partnered together to deliver an innovative nature based preschool program. Inspired by Forest Kindergartens and the schools of Reggio Emilia, Italy, the focus is on outdoor education, using the principles of emergent and place-based curricula.