I Love this Place!

It’s true, I do LOVE this place. One early mooring this week, I was leaving the Buemann House office when I bumped into (literally), Kristyan, a farmer with the Sharing Farm. We had a quick hello and comment on the weather and the crop fields. Then I ran into Leslie, the beekeeper for the Sharing Farm. We spoke for a few minutes about splitting a hive. I looked ahead to choose which path I would take to get to the Cottage. I opted for the one through the Healing Garden, past the Cobb Oven and herb beds. On my walk, I looked at tilled fields, an owl nesting box, community garden beds, gazebos and more. I heard crows, black capped chickadees and other birds that I am still trying to learn to identify. As I approached the field near the school, an eagle called out. My feet wet from brushing through the tall grasses of the field, I arrived and declared to our team– I LOVE this place! It just feels amazing to work here, with people that care and are dedicated to the same things I am. To be on this beautiful land that surprises us and calms us each and every day is a gift. Kate and I pinch ourselves every day and say to each other “We actually get to work here!”.

Our week together: The following 5 photographs speak to the relationships we foster and grow here at school. Taking the time to listen and connect with each child, each day. Our ratio of children to educators is not only necessary in terms of safety on our land but also allows for deeper relationships and more time spent with each child. Thank you to our volunteers and students for increasing our adult to child ratio as well- look what a difference it makes!

Tricia and Leo

Barry teaches Kingston, Will and Vino about rust in the water.

Erica, a practicum student, provides a cozy and grounding place for Annabelle during a story time.

Shantelle waits to see if Justine needs help getting a cap off a pen.

Chloe joins us on her pro- d day; what an awesome young person! Her presence is appreciated by all.


Heidi teaches the Owls a new game, based on the Farmer in the Dell.

Erica shares a story from her childhood, Nanabush Steals Fire. It has been so lovely having Erica incorporate her First Nations background.

Sadly, especially for the Owls, who climb on the tree almost every day, the City takes down the olds, fallen ash tree. Children are sad about this loss. On a happy note, we now have tree cookies and stumps.

Finding this little secret hiding spot, the children yell out to me as I approach “No grown ups allowed!”. I respect their wishes- it is so important to allow children room to breathe without an adult hovering over them at all times.

Frazer, Ariel and Tyler S. plant some squash and pumpkin seeds to put into our greenhouse.

Inspired by Audrey finding a flower and then sketching it in the studio, Vino and Will want to try the same still life.

The Owls enjoy listening  to Heidi read a story about “Frog and Toad”. There are very few pictures so the children are simply listening, which is something we have been working on lately.

A piece of old wood becomes a bridge. They form a line up to cross the bridge- is this idea connected to us crossing the bridge to the playground?

Avery experiments with drawing with wet pastels and wet markers. She seems to be interested in how the colours are blending together. She also seems intrigued by the fabric changing colour, as do the others in her group. I wonder about dying fabric?

There are many people building along side each other. It is rewarding to watch them figure out how to use their bodies and materials in a close space so that others can also work.

Nika is back from her extended trip and jumps right back into our schedule! She works diligently to complete this puzzle.

The Owls find a long branch which leads to a friendly tug-of-war. Allowing opportunity for this type of physical play is so vital for healthy child development. It does challenge us as educators to be very aware of the energy and amount of risk in a situation.

The first hot, sunny day this spring is welcome! The Eagles lounge over a long snack time.

The children are getting very good at seeing things that are far away, which is so important in this world of close screens. Nika spots an eagle landing on a branch and points it out to the class.

Brianna and Ludwig make ‘bandaids’ out of grass. This idea soon spreads to others in the group and continues into the next day. Why are small cuts so fascinating to children? What can be the ball toss to offer something back to continue to develop this idea?

‘Till the next post,


About Terra Nova Nature SchoolThompson Community Association and the City of Richmond have partnered together to deliver an innovative nature based preschool program. Inspired by Forest Kindergartens and the schools of Reggio Emilia, Italy, the focus is on outdoor education, using the principles of emergent and place-based curricula.