A truly action packed week! Lots of outdoor, free play; connecting with others in our community; celebrating Senior’s Week and working on art projects. The hot weather invited water play which lead to squeals of delight and bare feet. As I sat and watched them play in the water, heard their laughter and saw huge smiles on their faces, I thought “This is what it is all about-having fun!” And, the week really was just that-loads of fun!

The Owls gather together on “Mud Flats”.This area has endless possibilities for having fun and learning. It is quite a trek from the Cottage and we are proud of our Owls for having the stamina to get there!

As soon as we arrive and discuss some safety boundaries, everyone quickly becomes immersed in an activity. Some chose to throw sticks, some to build forts, some to look for insects and others to simply observe.

Thomas is constructing a bridge. I wonder if he is thinking about the other bridge the class made in a another area.

Anna and Amelia set themselves the very challenging task of trying to dig these ‘posts’ into the ground. What will they do if it doesn’t work?

The simple activity of throwing sticks is so much fun. It is because they are usually not allowed to throw them so there is an element of rebellious behaviour?

Calling in the troups! My two friends come to help sew our flags. The children are able to use needles, make stitches and wait patiently when they need help.

Bushwhacking through a trail helps children to learn to look out for dangers, alert their friends what is coming and stay in line.

After both the Eagles and Owls try several different remedies, including the placing of many many band aids on the crack of the injured tree, we are fortunate enough to have a ‘tree doctor’ come to the park to teach us about how to help heal this tree.

A fallen branch from the laurel shrub is brought back to class for investigation. Ryan and Nathan are curious about the leaf shape.

The Owls harvest kale and swiss chard for snack. Children are learning it is important to eat what is in season.

Barry, Rylan’s grandfather, uses his storytelling skills to engage the children in an Aboriginal story.

Barry explains the treasure hunt clues. The hunt is well designed, with a balance of easy and challenging materials.

Olina and her team find one of the 10 clues! Barry does an amazing job of making it fun while incorporating a very educational component.

“Miss Mary Mack” song leads to giggles and fooling around. Tia is doing her best to keep Andy on track with the hand motions but it is tricky work!

The Owls love to climb trees; their confidence is high and they enjoy the challenge. Children that struggled to reach their first branch a few months ago are now easily climbing to the second and third branches.
‘Till the next post,