Heading into the week we wondered if the cold weather would have an impact on the program. Would the children be too cold? Would we still be able to eat snack outside? How shall we stay warm? Well, it certainly did impact the program in many, many positive ways. Children played on ice, touched snow with bare hands ( intentionally), learned how to put their little fingers into gloves or mittens and had a spectacular week. We truly can play outside in all weather!
We walked and walked and walked. So lovely to have an extra pair of hands to hold- thanks to our volunteer Chloe!
Jasmine and Ezra balancing on the fence. They are using their core muscles for balance and leg muscles to climb and sturdy themselves.
Patches of frozen puddles are great for skating. Hannah is feeling nervous and asks me to hold her hands. Her friends look on in support.
Claire takes a risky leap from the ice to the frozen mud. Children enjoy challenging themselves at their own rate of comfortability.
Painting the ice with food colouring. What happens when the water touches the ice? How will the colours blend?
Both the Eagle and Owl classes work on reinforcing the bridge from last week. New ideas are discussed with a variety of new branches and sticks dragged over from near and far.
Kate offers support for those that would like a helping hand to get across the bridge. Allowing children to attempt a challenge while being emotionally and physically supported creates a willingness to take risks.
How many people can fit into this new fort? The fort quickly becomes a jail and a leaf is the “Get out of Jail Free” card.
An impromptu game of hockey using sticks from the garden and a piece of ice as the puck. Love Nature School!
Pushing the small wheelbarrow through the pebbles is a fun activity for Clayten. He is making loud motor sounds as he moves around the play area.
Amelia notices the balance beams and is curious. She gingerly puts one foot one a beam, followed by the other. She is pleased with her own sense of balance.
Gluing paper strips to make chains to decorate the Cottage. This simple activity uses math ( patterning), reasoning ( how do I fit the pieces together?) and fine motor skills ( gluing just the right amount).
A village is built. Suddenly the white pom poms from another area were being thrown all over the Village. I watch and listen carefully, wondering the purpose. It was snow of course! Snowflakes were laying a blanket over the Village. How creative!
In recognition of our St. Nikolaus celebration, Heidi tells a story about giving. The felt pieces are artistic and captivating.
Kaya turns this tree stump into a dog named Bailey. She feeds him, pets him and talks to him. Soon, other children are involved and getting food and drinks for Bailey. Kaya is working through her own relationship with her dog at home. Children use pretend play to help them figure out complex issues in their life.
Ella uses the outdoor blocks in a new way. She gathers pine cones and cord to create her own structure.
We visit Tree Cottage to see if it looks and feel different when it is cold. It does! Teaching children to notice the subtle changes around leads to care for the things around them.
Rylan’s mom, Lindsay, prepares a wonderful day of stories, a craft and yummy treat to eat to celebrate St. Nikolaus Day. Thanks for sharing your family traditions with us Lindsay!
‘Till the next post,