Knowledge Building

It was a short week for me at Nature School as I attended a two day institute titled “Making Authentic Inquiry Work.”, presented by Natural Curiosity and Learning for a Sustainable Future. As always with professional development, my mind is now in a state of disarray as I sort through the huge amount of ideas and…Continue reading


Refreshed; rejuvenated; invigorated; restored; we all had a needed and healthy break from school but now we are more than ready to be back. It was a splendid week with sun shining on us as we all got back into the groove of living and learning together. ‘Till the next post, Emily

It’s All in the Gear

It was quite the rainy week here at the farm but we all just sort of did our thing and managed through the downpours. It really is amazing to watch these children march along without complaint; aside from a few “My hands are getting cold.”, we really didn’t hear much resistance. How wonderful to be…Continue reading

Taking and Putting

Last weekend, after an inspiring workshop, I went into the Cottage and re-configured our loose parts station. We were feeling it was either being under utilized or not used appropriately in our larger room. It is now in the Studio with the hope that working in a more removed space will allow for increased concentration, ingenuity…Continue reading

On and Off

The rain was really on and really off this week! Some moments the sun warmed us up with its rays so that our layers were peeled off and other times we zipped right up as much as we could to shelter ourselves from its pelting drops. Working with the weather, not against it, is what we…Continue reading


We bumped up against each other this week; sometimes in very playful ways and sometimes in more challenging ways because that is what you do when you live together. One of our favourite quotes by Loris Mallaguzzi, a widely respected and revered educator who was pivotal in the development of the Reggio philosophy of education, says “Sometimes we…Continue reading

In Awe…

I am in awe of these children! Weather wise, it was our toughest week. The rain pelted down upon us as walked, ran, skipped, jumped (through and IN the puddles), played games, ate snack, learned about the animals on the land and pretended all sorts of imaginary scenarios. And yet, these children barely complained or commented…Continue reading


I am overwhelmed with how much these children are learning each and every day; here at Nature School, at home and in their community. They come to school ready to learn and ready to share their knowledge with others. The sharing part is what really is interesting, our need to connect with others. I recently…Continue reading

Ideas in my Head

I have lots of ideas in my head from this past week! Ideas about making space, play, friendships, independence, power, and communication. In fact, the ideas are all swirling in my head, in a somewhat disorganized fashion. This happens to me, and other educators and I am sure to you too! It is sometimes a…Continue reading


Happy New Year to all and welcome to 2016! A dear friend of mine gave me a special gift; a small jar with strips of paper with one word written on each piece. Each day, for the month of January, I pull one word out for that day. So far I have pulled out “enthusiasm,…Continue reading